On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 08:50:53 +0200
Daniel Kozák <ko...@dlang.cz> wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Jul 2015 02:16:56 +0000
> "lobo" <swampl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would say it is a compiler bug.
> consider this:
> bool some(real x, real y) {
>       return true;
> }
> bool some(float x, float y) {
>       return true;
> }
> void main() {
>       some(4.0L, 4.0L); // ok
>       some(4L,4L); // this should implicit convert to real,real
> }
> but:
> //m.d(11): Error: m.some called with argument types (long, long)
> matches both: //m.d(1):     m.some(real x, real y) //and: //m.d(5):
> m.some(float x, float y
> It is in confrontance with TDPL p.44 figure 2.3

OTOH D has same behaviour as C++

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