On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 11:32:10 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 01:14:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 at 18:42:45 UTC, Kyoji Klyden wrote:
Thanks for the replies,

This issue really highlights one of D's weak points I think.

I've atleast got a round about solution almost working. :P

Really? I see it as one of D's strengths. It's much easier to connect D with C than it is to connect other languages with C. Essentially, you're just rewriting the C header in D and that's it. It's as simple as it can get without the compiler being able to directly parse C headers. In that case, the compiler would either be needlessly complex or have a dependency on something like libclang. This is much more appropriate for a tool, not the compiler. Besides, it's quite easy to do it by hand.

I agree. The last thing we want is C header files being valid D code. It would make C programmers happy, but understanding those ugly files would then become a requirement for anyone coming from a different background, and that would not be good. Trivial interoperability (even if it's inconvenient) that leaves the two languages separate is far better.

Being that my skills in C and D are pretty much tied, I regularly find myself writing a D program, only to find that I can't actually link with whatever C based library I'm using at the moment, so it actually ends up being faster and far more efficient to just rewrite all my D source in C (and a tiny bit of C++ if I really have to).

From D, using C functions is easy, but I always run into trouble when it comes to any of the user types. So I guess I could bind it, but again that can take too much time when you got 20 massive headers all referencing each other.

So idk, it feels silly and counterproductive to have D not able to natively use C libraries. Are we just gonna have to write D bindings to every notable library out there? Also I don't see how it'd be problematic, if you don't want a C preprocessor kicking in, then just don't import any C source, and then the compiler will just skip that step. :P

On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 18:26:15 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2015-07-29 20:42, Kyoji Klyden wrote:
Thanks for the replies,

This issue really highlights one of D's weak points I think.

I've atleast got a round about solution almost working. :P

You might want to check out Calypso [1] as well.

[1] http://forum.dlang.org/thread/nsjafpymezlqdknmn...@forum.dlang.org#post-nsjafpymezlqdknmnkhi:40forum.dlang.org

That actually seems really interesting, I'll check it out later. Thanks!

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