On Sunday, 2 August 2015 at 08:08:05 UTC, tcak wrote:
void func1(N)( const N name )
        if( is(N: string) || is(N: char[]) )
        func2( name );

void func2(N)( const N name )
        if( is(N: string) || is(N: char[]) )

void main(){
        char[] blah = ['b', 'l', 'a', 'h'];

        func1( blah );
        //func1( "blah" );    // this works

test.d(4): Error: template test.func2 cannot deduce function from argument types !()(const(char[])), candidates are: test.d(7): test.func2(N)(const N name) if (is(N : string) || is(N : char[]))

When func1 is called with blah variable, I assume that N is char[].


From there, when func2 is called by func1, name should be const(char[]).


But since func2 defined name parameter with const, shouldn't the compiler accept const part of const(char[]) as func2's const, and accept N as char[] still?

Nope. When removing the top level const of `const(char[])`, it becomes `const(char)[]`. Test for that in your template constraint and it works.

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