Is there a good way to stop work-intensive threads via thread communication (instead of using a shared variable)? The example below is very basic and naive and only meant to exemplify the basic problem.

I want to stop (and abort) the worker as soon as new input arrives. However, while executing the function that contains the foreach-loop the worker thread doesn't listen, because it's busy, of course. I've tried a few solutions with send and receive in this block, but somehow none of them work perfectly.

import std.stdio : readln, writefln, writeln;
import std.string : strip;
import std.concurrency;
import core.thread;

Tid thread1;

struct Exit {}

void main()
  string input;
  bool exists;
  while ((input = readln.strip) != null)
    if (exists)
    thread1 = spawn(&worker);
    exists = true;

void worker()
  bool run = true;
  while (run)
      (string input)
        foreach (ref i; 0..10)
writefln("%d.\tDoing something with input %s", i+1, input);
        run = false;
      (Exit exit)
        run = false;
  writeln("End of thread worker");

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