On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 11:45:22 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
Can somebody please explain and help out with variadic version of `isInstanceOf`?

Here's a try at isSortedRange:

enum bool isSortedRange(T, alias pred = "a < b") = is(T == SortedRange!(Args[0], pred), Args...);

    alias R = int[];
    enum pred = "a < b";
    static assert(isSortedRange!(SortedRange!(R, pred),

but it fails. This simplified case

enum bool isSortedRange(T, alias pred = "a < b") = is(T == SortedRange!Args, Args...);


How do check that the second template argument to the instance of SortedRange matches `pred`?

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