On Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:42:52 +0000, Jack Stouffer wrote:

>          foreach (item; parent_list) {
>                  string class_name = (cast(Object)
> item).classinfo.name;
>                  if (class_name == "test.A") {
>                          (cast(A) item).method();
>                  } else if (class_name == "test.B") {
>                          (cast(B) item).method2();
>                  }
>          }
> }
> This is a dirty hack, but I don't care, it works :)

Casting actually performs this check for you, returning null if the 
object can't be casted, so I'd do this:

foreach (item; parent_list) {
  if (auto asA = cast(A)item) {
  } else if (auto asB = cast(B)item) {

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