For reference:
    OSX 10.10.5
    GDB 7.9.1 (non apple; from homebrew)
    yes, it is code signed
    Compiling with dub: "dflags": ["-gc", "-gs"]

I would also like to preface this post by saying that everything works fine in GDB on linux.

When finding that a bug in my program was a null pointer bug, I decided to drop into GDB to try to figure out what was happening. But I quickly realized that trying to set a breakpoint in a file other than the one where the main function is, and stepping into functions in a file other than the one where the main function is, don't work. GDB will return something like:

    Cannot insert breakpoint 2.
    Cannot access memory at address 0x9bc06

when trying to insert a breakpoint in another file. GDB also treats the aforementioned step command as a continue because it can't read the file where the function is defined. Nothing changes when running the command as sudo either.

Two more pain points: `info locals` doesn't work. It responds with "No symbol table info available." And `info variables` returns the mangled D names for variables and not their real name, despite the language being set to D and doing `demangle [some_name]` returns the correct names.

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