
Since Dynamic Arrays / Slices are a D feature, using pointers to these has me a bit confused...


string c2s(int* pos, char[]* file, int l){
        char[] s;
        for(int i = 0; i < l; i++){
                s ~= file[(*pos + i)];
        return s.dup;

Now what is especially confusing about this, is that the above seems to works fine, while this does not:

if(file[(*pos + i)] == '}'){
        *pos += i;

This fails with this error:
Error: incompatible types for ((file[cast(ulong)(*pos + i)]) == ('}')): 'char[]' and 'char'

Now what I do not understand, is if the above works, by appending come chars gathered from the dynamic array via pointer to me new dynamic array named "s", and the below does not seem to work on comparison of two chars, what is really going on?

I can no longer assume that using the dynamic array pointer works anything like a standard pointer to an array, or a pointer to a dynamic array.

Is there something I'm missing?

Remember, that de-referencing a dynamic array was deprecated. So what I would normally have done: &dynamic_array_pntr does not work any longer, and there is no new spec on what to do...


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