On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 23:36:25 UTC, Enamex wrote:
I'm not sure whether a naked 'local.S' should work; sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. But an `static import local;` then `voidfoo(local.S)` definitely works.

`static import` forces the imported symbols to be fully qualified on use. It basically only allows the module to recognize the existence of modules outside its package.

Doing `import app: foo;` or even just `import app;` would never import `module app;`'s imports unless those imports are public.

`module foo; public static import local; import bazoo;`
`module bar; void fun() { local.S s; } // works
void fun2() { bazoo.B b; } // error`

I'm following some of your post, but not quite all of it (particularly the part at the end, and I also think static imports can't be selective). Anyway, I was thinking about something like below as one possible alternative

struct T
        import local : S;
        void foo(S s)
                import std.stdio : writeln;

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