
A simple thing I stumbled across:

int main()
    import std.stdio;
    import std.range;

    int[] d;
    d ~= 10;
    d ~= 20;

    return 0;

Appenders work fine as output ranges, but arrays do not. The above code prints "20" (ie the 10 is removed). Is "put" not supposed to mean "append one element"?

Further, while the following compiles fine but runs really odd, the following does not compile:

int main()
    import std.stdio;
    import std.range;

    char[] c;
    c ~= 'a';
    c ~= 'b';

    return 0;

C:\dmd\src\phobos\std\range.d(9,9): Error: static assert "Cannot put a char into a char[]." (Test)

I am puzzled by
1) Why I cannot put a char into a char[] (even though I can totally append them)
2) Why put removes elements from arrays

Hopefully somebody can help me clear my confusion about this (yes in the meantime I can just use Appenders, but you know, still wondering).

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