On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 13:01:31 UTC, Namal wrote:

I want to read a file line by line and store each line in a string. I found this example with byLine and ranges. First of all, do I need the range lib at all to do this and if so what is the range of the end of the file?

You don't need the range lib at all, std.range provides advanced functions to work with ranges but ranges are a general concept. You need std.stdio though as this is doing file operations.

A way to do it is:

void main() {
    auto f = File("myfile");
    string buffer;

    foreach (line ; f.byLine) {
        buffer ~= line;


Note that by default byLine doesn't keep the line terminator. See http://dlang.org/phobos/std_stdio.html#.File.byLine for more informations.

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