On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:54:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 11:38:54PM +0000, Namal via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:31:27 UTC, Jordan Wilson wrote:
>On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:28:37 UTC, Namal wrote:
>>On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 23:25:52 UTC, Jordan Wilson >>wrote:
>>>And also:
>>>import std.algorithm
>>>Sorry, I should have taken the time to answer properly and >>>fully.
>>import std.file, std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, >>std.algorithm;
>>void main(){
>>        auto file = File("text.txt");
>>        auto numbers = file.byLine()
>>                 .map!(a => a.split)
>>                 .map!(a => map!(a => to!int(a))(a))
>>                 .array();
>>        writeln(numbers);
>>Error: no property 'array' for type 'MapResult!(__lambda2,
>>MapResult!(__lambda1, ByLine!(char, char)))'
>>Still an error.
>import std.array

Thx, finaly, this is so much harder to understand than c++ iostream

I would have written it slightly differently, to emphasize what exactly is going on:

        auto numbers = File("text.txt")       // read file
                .byLine()               // line by line
                .map!(a => a.split   // split each line into words
                            .map!(a => to!int(a)) // convert each word into int
                            .array)     // collect the ints into an array (per 
                .array;                 // collect all line arrays into one big 

This is the functional way of doing it, of course. If you're more comfortable with the C++-style imperative approach, you could do this instead:

        auto file = File("text.txt");
        int[][] numbers;
        foreach (line; file.byLine) {
                auto words = line.split;

                int[] lineNums;
                foreach (word; words) {
                        lineNums ~= word.to!int;
                numbers ~= lineNums;

The functional approach is admittedly a bit harder to understand at first, but it's extremely powerful because it processes everything in a pipeline, and you can compose operators on the pipeline easily, rearrange the sequence of operations, etc..

In the imperative nested-loop approach, things quickly get out of hand once the loop is nested about 2-3 levels deep. A nested loop of 6-7 levels deep would be basically impossible to understand, maintain, or debug without major refactoring into smaller functions. (In fact, split() is a library-provided function that basically encapsulates one of those nested loops.) But if you take the refactoring to its logical conclusion, you'll eventually end up with a whole bunch of tiny functions with only a single loop each, each calling the next function in a chain -- in other words, you arrive at the functional pipeline approach. :-)

D allows you to do it either way, but the superior approach IMO is to learn the functional pipeline approach.


Thx Theo, this and the lack of foolproof tutorials were the reason why I gave up on D 2 years ago and went instead to C++. But I am not giving up this time. That being said, when do I have to import std.array and std.string? Every time I use std.array? I can obviously use arrays and strings without those libs.

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