On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 12:06:09 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Monday 07 September 2015 13:57, Bahman Movaqar wrote:
     $ dub test
     core.exception.AssertError@source/e002.d(111): unittest
From that one line I left intact above, you should also be able to figure out that it's the test in source/e002.d, line 111 that failed.

True. That I had already figured out. I was actually hoping for something like Groovy's assert messages[1], if possible.

Is there any compiler switch, argument to `assert` or trick to make `unittest` output more helpful messages when failing?

You can pass a custom message as a second argument to assert:
assert(condition, "message goes here");

Thanks. This is indeed helpful. OT but where can I view the documentation for `unittest` and `assert`?

[1] http://docs.groovy-lang.org/next/html/documentation/core-testing-guide.html#_power_assertions

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