On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 17:11:04 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Saturday 12 September 2015 16:30, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Error: type SingleStore is not an expression

Reduced further:

class MyStore
    class SingleStore
        static void New() // Removing 'static' compiles
            new SingleStore();

And now the problem can be spotted:

SingleStore is a nested class. That means, instances of it are bound to MyStore instances. But New is static, so it doesn't have a MyStore to which it could attach the `new SingleStore`.

That error message is pretty awful. I filed an issue: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15049

like most D errors ;/ it's the #1 problem I'm struggling with in D. Remember there's another error with remove, that isn't releated to SingleStore.

As for a fix: I guess SingleStore isn't supposed to be a nested class. Mark it static then.

NO! That is the whole point!

SingleStore is a momento that wraps the key value pair, e.g.,

auto t = DeleteStore.New("mycooldelegate", (int x) { return true; });

t is suppose to be a single store.



removes the delegate from the store.

Note I don't have to know the actual key or delegate!! Which is the whole point!

Else it would lool like this:

store[][string] mydelegatestore;

auto dg = (int x) { return true; };
mydelegatestore["mycooldelegate"] ~= dg;


mydelegatestore["mycooldelegate"].remove(d => dg == d);

which requires remembering both the key and the delegate, which makes using inline lambdas infeasible(because you'll never be able to remove them).

I see no reason why SingleStore has to be static. The mixin template should insert all that stuff into the class, which, by the way, works...

I've also used that New pattern all that time and it works, maybe not for nested classes. Moving SingleStore outside the template works.

I've fixed the issue with that, it's not as pretty but works. Still have the remove error:

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

extern (C) int getch();
import std.string;
import std.concurrency;
import core.time;
import core.thread;
import std.container.array;
import std.typecons;

public class SingleStore(TKey, TValue)
        public TValue Value;
        public TKey Key;        
        public TValue[][TKey] Store;
        public auto Remove()
                import std.algorithm;
remove!(c => Value == c")(Store[this.Key], SwapStrategy.unstable); // Not working, can't disambiguate

        public static auto New(TKey k, TValue v, ref TValue[][TKey] s)
                auto o = new SingleStore!(TKey, TValue)(k, v);  
                o.Store = s;
                return o;

        private this(TKey k, TValue v)
                Key = k;
                Value = v;

public mixin template ObjectStore(TKey, TValue)
        public static TValue[][TKey] store;

        public static auto New(TKey k, TValue v)
                (store[k]) ~= v;
                auto o = SingleStore!(TKey, TValue).New(k, v, store);
                o.store = store;
                return o;


class MyStore
        mixin ObjectStore!(string, bool delegate(int));


void main()
auto s = MyStore.New("x", (int x) { return true; }); // works, stores delegate in MyStore
s.Remove(); // Doesn't work because std.algorithm's remove isn't working


(The whole point of nesting was so I wouldn't have to explicitly create a pointer to the store in SingleStore. Should have worked, probably another one of D's bugs)

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