On Thursday, 10 September 2015 at 18:01:10 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Is there an easy way of knowing when you do not have to initialize the D runtime system to call D code from, in this case, Python via a C adapter?

I naïvely transformed some C++ to D, without consideration of D runtime systems, compiled it and it all worked. Which is good, but…

Surely the reasonable choice is to always initialize the runtime in a sensible location? What do you gain from not initializing it, and is it really worth the effort?

core.runtime has Runtime.initialize and Runtime.terminate. In a Windows DLL, it's sensible to use DllMain to call these. core.sys.windows.dll.SimpleDllMain is a mixin template that makes it easy:

    import core.sys.windows.dll;
    mixin SimpleDllMain;

On Linux and other ELF-using platforms, initialization and deinitialization functions could be placed in the .init and .deinit special sections, but I don't know if druntime has any convenient provisions for this. With GDC and LDC you can probably use a pragma to put functions in these sections, but I don't know if DMD has such a pragma.

I don't know what the equivalent is for Apple's Mach-O shared libraries.

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