In R, it is easy to have some optional inputs labeled as ... and then pass all those optional inputs in to another function. I was trying to get something similar to work in a templated D function, but I couldn't quite get the same behavior. What I have below is what I was able to get working.

This approach gives the correct result, but dmd won't deduce the type of the template. So for instance, the second to the last line of the unit test requires explicitly stating the types. I may as well use the alternate version that doesn't use the variadic function (which is simple for this trivial example, but maybe not more generally).

Do I have any options to get it more similar to the way R does things?

import std.algorithm : sum;
import core.vararg;

auto test(R)(R r)
        return sum(r);

auto test(R, E)(R r, ...)
        if (_arguments.length == 0)
                return test(r);
                auto seed = va_arg!(E)(_argptr);
                return sum(r, seed);

auto test_alt(R, E)(R r, E seed)
        return sum(r, seed);

        int[] x = [10, 5, 15, 20, 30];
        assert(test(x) == 80);
        assert(test!(int[], float)(x, 0f) == 80f);
        assert(test_alt(x, 0f) == 80f);

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