On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 at 14:45:06 UTC, ref2401 wrote:
struct MyStruct {
        @disable this();

        this(int a, string b) {
                this.a = a;
                this.b = b;

        int a;
        string b;

I know there is a way to create one instance of `MyStruct` and initialize it to void.
  MyStruct s = void;
  s = MyStruct(5, "abcdef");

How can initialize an array of `MyStruct` instances to void?
auto arr = new MyStruct[10]; // compile-time Error: default construction is disabled for type MyStruct.

MyStruct[10] arr = void;

Don't do this with a dynamic array, though, as they work a bit differently from static arrays.

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