On Thursday, 1 October 2015 at 18:08:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
However, if you prove to yourself that the result tuple and your struct have the same memory layout, you can cast the tuple slice to struct slice after calling amap:

After re-reading your explanation, I see that the problem is only that the results needs to be a Tuple. It works with named tuple members in this example as the result and array of struct as the input. I'll re-check if the multi-member result also works with named members. I'll update the issue report.

import std.meta;
import std.stdio;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric tuples

struct TI {long L1I_MISS; long L1D_MISS; }
alias TO = Tuple!(long, "raw");

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the names here in the metrics. TO met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){ TO rv; rv.raw = m.L1I_MISS+m.L1D_MISS; return rv; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = AliasSeq!(met_l1_miss);

void main(string[] argv)
        auto samples = iota(100);
        auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
        auto results = new TO[samples.length];

        // Initialize some values for the measured samples
        foreach(i, ref m; meas){
                m.L1D_MISS= 100+i; m.L1I_MISS=100-i;

    ref TI getTerm(int i)
        return meas[i];

// compute the metric results for the above measured sample values in parallel

        TO rv1 = met_l1_miss( meas[1]);

        writeln("measurements:", meas[1]);
        writeln("rv1:", rv1);
        writeln("results:", results[1]);


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