There is a weird rule on how compiler treats alias this for the N and S types bellow.

As you can see, somehow S losses it's type and ends up a plain string withing the Algebraic type. I would expect that all types should be the treated the same, why a string alias will be different then a bool or a double?

int main(string[] argv)
        import std.variant      : Algebraic;

        struct N { double val; alias val this; }
        struct S { string val; alias val this; }
        alias T = Algebraic!(N, S);
        pragma(msg, T.AllowedTypes); // prints (N, string)??

        T t = N(1.0);
        assert(t.get!N == 1.0); // works
// t = 0.4; // fails, OK, variant.d(586): Error: static assert "Cannot store a double in a VariantN!(8u, N, S). Valid types are (N, string)" // t = S("foo"); // this fails, why? Error: static assert "Cannot store a S in a VariantN!(8u, N, S). Valid types are (N, string)"
        t = "bar"; // this works... why?
// assert(t.get!S == "bar"); //this fails Variant: attempting to use incompatible types immutable(char)[] and main.main.S at std\variant.d(1475)
        assert(t.get!string == "bar"); // works, why?
        return 0;

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