On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 05:54:44 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
It is by design, albeit undesirable. When SysTime was originally written, it was impossible to have a default value for a class reference other than null. So, unless SysTime was going to take the performance hit of constantly checking whether its TimeZone was null, SysTime.init was going to segfault if you did anything with it that required its TimeZone. And I wasn't about to have it constantly checking for null. In the vast majority of cases, the value of a SysTime comes from Clock.currTime() or from parsing a string, and if code is trying to do anything but assign to a SysTime which is SysTime.init, then that means that it failed to initialize it like it should have.

Thanks for thorough explanation.
I found the problem using vibe and REST API with SysTime argument with default value (which didn't work due to the bug there) when I tried to print out the passed value and ended up with the segfault. So I guess it doesn't bite devs often as it is mostly used as you wrote.

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