Only now I found that most of my confusions are with D's compile time grammar or features. As an excuse, my confusions can be partially attributed to the way D is presented:

1. There are confusing keywords:
For example, there is a "if", there is also a "static if", there is a "if", and there is an "is()". For new learners like me, they cause confusion at least uneasiness.

2. Compile time grammar spreads among runtime grammar
Most documents present D's compile time grammar and runtime grammar in the same time. It made me feel that D's grammar is not consistent because compile time grammar seem to be exceptions from runtime grammar. If a document talks exclusively about runtime grammar first, and introduces compile time grammar late, I think this will make readers accept those seemingly conflicting grammar. In fact without introducing compile time grammar, D is much similar to other languages, in this way the readers from other languages can find D more friendly.

With the understanding of D's compile time grammar, I can read D codes from other projects such as std packages, but I am still not easy about the way that D's compile time codes are not clearly distinguished from runtime codes. I am wondering if it is a good idea to clearly indicate those compile time codes with a special identifier say "@ct", or prefix "__" as in __traints, if so then those "inconsistencies" can be resolved as follows:

static if -> @ct if
static assert" -> @ct assert
enum fileName = "list.txt" -> @ct  fileName = "list.txt"
is (string[void]) -> @ct is (string[void])
mixin(`writeln("Hello World!");`) -> @ct `writeln("Hello World!");`

So this post is not quite a question, just a thought in my mind after I am able to differentiate compile time codes from runtime codes.

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