On Wednesday, 14 October 2015 at 18:17:29 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

The thing about Python is NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, IPython, Jupyter, GNU Radio. The data science, bioinformatics, quant, signal provessing, etc. people do not give a sh!t which language they used, what they want is to get their results as fast as possible. Most of them do not write programs that are to last, they are effectively throw away programs. This leads them to Python (or R) and they are not really interested in learning anything else.

Scary, but I agree with you again. In science this is exactly what usually happens. Throw away programs, a list here, a loop there, clumsy, inefficient code. And that's fine, in a way that's what scripting is for. The problems start to kick in when the same guys get the idea to go public and write a program that everyone can use. Then you have a mess of slow code (undocumented) in a slow language. This is why I always say "Use C, C++ or D from the very beginning" or at least document your code in a way that it can easily be rewritten in D or C. But well, you know, results, papers, conferences ... This is why many innovations live in an eternal Matlab or Python limbo.

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