On Saturday, 17 October 2015 at 02:02:16 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
On Friday, 16 October 2015 at 10:45:52 UTC, Chris wrote:
Later you call the function with the Lua C API like "lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0);". It's a bit tricky to move things around on the Lua stack, but you'll get there! ;)

Or you could use LuaD which doesn't require you to mess around with the relatively unproductive, bug-prone C API :)

I've used both, LuaD and DerelictLua + my own smaller D library that wraps all these nasty Lua stack operations (e.g. creating, accessing and adding to tables). The better I got to know the Lua C API while writing my own wrappers, the more I came to appreciate LuaD :-) However, LuaD is still 5.1 and I didn't want to be stuck with 5.1. So I rolled my own. It's not as comprehensive as LuaD but did the trick.

The purpose was to experiment with Lua server pages + vibe.d which worked fine. Rikki gave me the idea to compile each page as a Lua function into memory for faster execution (etLua style[1]). It works fine with both LuaD and my own wrappers. In my own version I use the Lua C API directly in some places, though I don't know, if that's really a big speedup.

If I set up my own homepage, I'd probably give vibe.d + Lua a shot. No more PHP and sh*t like that.

[1] https://github.com/leafo/etlua

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