
I want to benchmark Economic Modelings container packages.

Specifically HashSet with different allocators.

But when I try to use `LocalAllocator` defined as

    alias LocalAllocator = InSituRegion!(n, T.alignof);


in call to `hashSet`

    auto hx = iota!T(0, n).hashSet; // TODO Use LocalAllocator

it errors as:

containers_ex.d(17,38): Error: constructor containers.hashset.HashSet!(int, InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU), generateHash, false).HashSet.this is not callable because it is annotated with @disable /home/per/Work/justd/containers/hashset.d(366,20): Error: struct std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.region.InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU).InSituRegion is not copyable because it is annotated with @disable
Error: static assert  "Bucket cannot be emplaced from (InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 
        instantiated from here: emplaceImpl!(InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU))
/home/per/Work/justd/containers/hashset.d(293,19): instantiated from here: emplace!(Bucket, InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU)) containers_ex.d(17,16): instantiated from here: HashSet!(int, InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU), generateHash, false) containers_ex.d(60,31): instantiated from here: hashSet!(InSituRegion!(1048576LU, 4LU), Result)

Comint exited abnormally with code 1 at Thu Oct 22 13:55:25

What's wrong?

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