On Tuesday, 3 November 2015 at 23:16:59 UTC, bertg wrote:
        while (true) {
                (string msg) {
writeln("conn: received ws message: " ~ msg);
void handleConnectionWebSocket(std.concurrency.Tid caller, shared WebSocket ws)
    auto sock = cast(WebSocket) ws;
    while (sock.connected) {
        writeln("sock in");
        auto msgIn = sock.receiveText();
        std.concurrency.send(caller, msgIn);

What is the type of `msgIn`? Try inserting `pragma(msg, typeof(msgIn))` after the line where it's declared and look at the compiler's output. My suspicion is that it's something like `char[]` or `const(char)[]`, which doesn't match the `string` (aka `immutable(char)[]`) you're trying to receive.

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