This is not D. It should be giving you a compiler error. How are you compiling? Or did you type 'using' in the post by mistake? Anyway, what you want is:

import style;

I indeed made a typo while typing the post (and also on various occasions while writing the program, but compiler errors fixed that). That's what you get for using C# at work.

In style.d:
module style;
public static class Style

'static class' has no meaning in module scope, only for inner classes. It's not the cause of your problem though.

Thanks for the heads up :) I figured it was about time to dust my D-skills.

The error is likley because of a symbol conflict. Assuming that Text is from the module, it has an enum type named Style. There's an unfortunate issue in D that allows both of the following to compile:

auto e1 = Text.Style.Regular;

The latter should not be allowed, IMO, but it is what it is. So in your case, accessing your Style class in the scope of with(_text) is causing the compiler to find _text.Style. The solution is to use the FQN (Fully Qualified Name) on your Style inside the with, i.e. style.Style, or to drop the with altogether.

Dropping the with worked like a charm, thanks a lot for the fast reply!

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