On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 08:08:20 UTC, Meta wrote:
class WhiteKey
        private immutable int halfStepsToNext;
        private immutable int halfStepsToPrevious;

                A = new WhiteKey(2, 2),
                B = new WhiteKey(2, 1),
                C = new WhiteKey(1, 2),
                D = new WhiteKey(2, 2),
                E = new WhiteKey(2, 1),
                F = new WhiteKey(1, 2),
                G = new WhiteKey(2, 2),
        private this(int halfStepsToPrevious, int halfStepsToNext)
                this.halfStepsToPrevious = halfStepsToPrevious;
                this.halfStepsToNext = halfStepsToNext;

However, you do NOT want to do this, as everywhere you use WhiteKey's members, a new object will be created. For example:

auto f = WhiteKey.A;
auto n = WhiteKey.A;
import std.stdio;
writeln(&f, " ", &n);

You're misinterpreting this:

    enum X {
        A = new Object,
        B = new Object,

    void main() {
        import std.stdio;
        writeln(cast(void*) X.A);
        writeln(cast(void*) X.A);

# output:

You're print the address of `f` and `n` on the stack, not the reference they're pointing to.

But it's true that enums of mutable _arrays_ do create a new instance every time they're used:

    enum X {
        A = [1,2,3],
        B = [4,5,6],

    void main() {
        import std.stdio;

# output:

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