On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 15:52:04 UTC, kraybit wrote:
Hm, I see, so it's contextual? Would 'pixel' then be emphasized if I'm in the documentation of void pixel()?

Yes. It underlines whatever the currently documented symbol is. So at the top level, it is the module/package name. On a class, it is the class name. Method, you get the point.

That's the extent of the context though... if you write:

/// Call are when you are sure you are ready.
void are() {}

Every instance of the word "are" in the documentation would get the PSYMBOL treatment, whether it is grammatically correct, in a link, in a table, or whatever.

But it would not be highlighted if the method was different:

/// Call foo when you are ready.
void foo() {}

There, foo would be highlighted, but are wouldn't be.

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