On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 00:50:17 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 00:26:23 UTC, Jim Barnett wrote:
On Friday, 4 December 2015 at 00:23:45 UTC, Jim Barnett wrote:
The `import` statement inside the `for`-loop kind of smells to me.

Sorry, inside the `while` loop

In D it's considered idiomatic, but it can also cause some very hard to detect errors from time to time... I hate it for this reason and never do it in my own code.

Inside a while, I don't think, really matches the idiom's goals. By only sticking imports inside the code that makes use of them you can achieve (I've never measured it though) compilation performance improvements in code that then imports the containing module but never makes use of the code in question. Sticking the import in the middle of the code is just noisy though, you want it nearby with limited scope but otherwise out of the way.

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