On Thursday, 3 December 2015 at 21:04:00 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

I think reflection will be a bad choice for this because of private members and what not.
I think the correct way is:

void reset(C)(ref C c)
        static if(is(C == class))
                auto init = typeid(c).init();
                auto objmem = ((cast(void*)c)[0 .. init.length]);
                if(init.ptr == null) (cast(byte[])objmem)[] = 0;
                else objmem[] = init[];
                if(c.classinfo.defaultConstructor != null)
        else c = C.init;

Seems to work for structs, classes, and basic types. It even calls the default constructor for classes, even if there is inheritance and the object passed in is not actually C but a sub class of C.

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