On Thursday, 3 December 2015 at 15:31:49 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
On Thu, 03 Dec 2015 06:38:20 +0000, Mike Parker wrote:

AFAIK, your only option is to use a struct constructor. This is the sort of thing they're used for.

Which brings be back to positional arguments, which means that someone wishing to supply a limit on the number of query results must also give me the number of results per page, even if she doesn't care about the number of results per page.

Is it worth posting a DIP for struct literals of the form `Name{fieldname: value}` ?

I'd support that, too.

I suggest to make the struct name optional:

    struct S { int a, b; }
    struct T { string a, b; }
    void foo(S s);
    void foo(T t);

    foo({b: 1, a: 2});  // foo(S(2, 1));
    foo({a: "bla"});    // foo(T("bla", null));

Then we can add some syntax sugar to leave out the braces, too:

    void bar(int a, T t)
    bar(42, a: "bla", b: "xyz");

This effectively gives us strongly typed named arguments, without making the names part of the function signature, which Walter objected to the last time something like this was proposed.

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