On Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 11:04:49 UTC, Random D user wrote:
I need to look into this more.

Ok. This is minimal app that crashes for me. If someone could try this:

class App

    void crash( int val )
        assert( val == 1 );
        struct Foo
            this( int k )
                a = k;
            int a;

        Foo foo;
        int[ Foo ] map;

        map[ foo ] = 1;  // Crash! bug?

int main( char[][] args )
    App a = new App;
    a.crash( 1 );

    return 0;

And the previous case for the crash looks like this:
00007ff6d9e4b500  push rbp
00007ff6d9e4b501  mov rbp, rsp
00007ff6d9e4b504  sub rsp, 0x30
00007ff6d9e4b508  mov [rbp-0x8], rsi
00007ff6d9e4b50c  mov rsi, [rdx]
00007ff6d9e4b50f  test rsi, rsi
00007ff6d9e4b512 jz _D6object14TypeInfo_Class7getHashMxFNbNexPvZm+0x20 (0x7ff6d9e4b520)
00007ff6d9e4b514  mov rcx, rsi
00007ff6d9e4b517  mov rax, [rsi]
00007ff6d9e4b51a call qword near [rax+0x10] <---------------- crash here 00007ff6d9e4b51e jmp _D6object14TypeInfo_Class7getHashMxFNbNexPvZm+0x22 (0x7ff6d9e4b522)
00007ff6d9e4b520  xor eax, eax
00007ff6d9e4b522  mov rsi, [rbp-0x8]
00007ff6d9e4b526  lea rsp, [rbp]
00007ff6d9e4b52a  pop rbp

_D6object14TypeInfo_Class7getHashMxFNbNexPvZm() + 0x1e bytes    D
_D6object14TypeInfo_Const7getHashMxFNbNfxPvZm() + 0x13 bytes    D
application.Application.startup.Foo.__xtoHash( application.Application.startup.Foo* p, ulong h ) + 0x55 bytes D
_D6object15TypeInfo_Struct7getHashMxFNaNbNfxPvZm() + 0x22 bytes D
_aaGetY() + 0xa0 bytes  D
application.Application.startup() Line 159 + 0x26 bytes D

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