On Wednesday, 23 December 2015 at 10:51:52 UTC, earthfront wrote:
I'm using hackerpilot's excellent textadept plugin + DCD, Dfmt, and Dscanner. Upon saving files, it produces suggestions, much like warnings from the compiler.

One suggestion is to use selective imports in local scopes. OK, I'll do that.

Now I'm left with a smattering of lines which are just selective imports from a single module:
void foo()
  import std.exception:enforce;
  import std.algorithm:array;
  import std.algorithm.iteration:filter;
  import std.functional:memoize;


What is the proper way to combine these into one line?

There's no `array` in std.algorithm, and I don't see more than one import per module in your example, but I'm guessing what you want is:

import mod : a, b, c; // import a, b and c from mod

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