So I have seen alot of projects that need the same sort of stuff.

graphics libraries
gui libraries
game libraries
ploting libaries

they would all benefit from a backend solution with a common interface for

drawing pen_style aliasing etc.

but each one i look at seems to have a built up solution with various degrees of integration with things like freetype gdi cairo sdl glew opengl.

Shouldn't there be like a common (interface/abstract class) that these back-ends can fulfill? maybe I am unaware of how these things are done. And perhaps there are performance reasons that many of these are baked in.

perhaps it should be like:

standard color implementation.
font interface that converts glyphs into drawing strokes.
and a standard set of drawing instructions with transforms.

//probably a grotesque simplification

interface font_do{
  glyphstrokes getstrokes(string characterstoget);

interface draw_do{
  drawpixel(double x,double y);
  drawline(double x,double y);
  drawglyph(glypstrokes g);
  getpostdrawnsize(glypstroks g)
  ... other things

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