On 26/12/15 3:46 AM, thedeemon wrote:
On Wednesday, 23 December 2015 at 23:34:58 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

So far I've been implementing windowing and image libraries for Phobos.
Right now windowing works on Windows minice eventing. Once eventing is
done it is ready for the first stage of feedback.

I don't understand something about this project. Having existing GtkD,
DFL, DlangUI, SimpleDisplay, DQuick and probably a few others, creating
windows on different platforms and eventing seems to be a solved
problem, multiple times solved. But your project is lasting for years at
this little stage. And this makes me wonder what it is about.

I take a lot longer because I'm not doing the quick and dirty.
In a few hundred lines you can on Windows for example create a window and OpenGL context. Great!

But now what about iterating over the displays? Screenshots?
Changing title? Icons? Notifications?

This is why it is not a solved problem.

I've just checked SDL, it doesn't handle notifications at all and a bunch of other things I do.

I'm almost ready for a feedback post. Problem is.. png image loader is failing on palette interlaced loading.

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