On 2016-01-11 06:53:51 +0000, Benjamin Thaut said:

You should not need to link manually against msvcrt, dmd does this for you.

Ok, that was what I expected.

You can view the linker commands that are stored inside a object file via microsoft dumpbin tool "dumpbin /DIRECTIVES your.obj".

Great, thanks for this.

You should check the declarations of the functions that cause a unresolved external error. If they have a "export" in front of them, remove the export. I can not think of any other reason why dmd would otherwise reference a import symbol.

Ah, good point. I didn't see the link to the DLL import stuff. I can't / shouldn't remove them because these are coming from <math.h> It looks like my project is mixing up static and dynamic linked runtime libs.

Import symbols are symbols used for dll linking and start with "__imp_"

Is this a DMD convention or a general one? Never heard about this.

Out of curiosity, why do you pass "-m64" 6 times to dmd? Once would be enough.

I don't have a clue where these come from. I just use DUB to compile my D project.

For debug builds targeting windows 64 I would also highly recommend using "-gc -op" instead of "-g". This will give a much better debugging experience in Visual Studio.

Ok, will see how to get this in. Thanks so far for all the hints.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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