On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 21:59:22 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
On Saturday, 16 January 2016 at 21:22:15 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
Is it possible to create a function that returns Type like typeof() does? Something such as:

Type returnInt(){
    return int;

More to the point what is the Type of a type such as int?


p.s. I am aware I could do typeof(1) to return int, but I am looking for something more elegant and some understanding.

Thanks for all the answers. I guess I have been writing a lot of julia where I take creating arrays and tuples of types for granted. In this case types are of type DataType. I am aware that you can create tuples of types in D, but then it cannot be easily manipulated e.g. (int, float)[0] = string or similar. You have to immediately alias it and there are a limited number of operations you can do with the resulting type. I guess the constraints are that of a static language.

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