On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 15:25:58 UTC, wobbles wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 January 2016 at 14:07:50 UTC, Borislav Kosharov wrote:
On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 12:46:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

I want to use float time in a game where I call the update method passing the delta time as float seconds. It's more easy to multiply the dt with a speed constant meaning how much the object will move after 1 second. Such float delta time is used in many game engines and it's somewhat standart way of doing it. Also the method you wrote returns a string and I need a float to multiply it with a number.
Thanks for the reply anyway

Checkout out how DSFML handles this.
You simply pass around a Clock object that you can restart every frame using


You then call your update function with update(Clock.getElapsedTime()); Then in each objects update(Time t) method you just get the time in whatever unit you want. Works pretty well.


Yes that's exactly what I'm using. But they changed it to return a Duration instead of Time and that broke my code. See the source https://github.com/Jebbs/DSFML/blob/master/src/dsfml/system/clock.d#L65

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