On Thursday, 21 January 2016 at 16:14:40 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
I'm trying to understand calling C libraries from D on Windows with DMD. I made a simple example and compiled it with a static library fine (so I've converted the .h file correctly). Then, I compiled with gcc to a shared library (because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this with DMC). I then used implib to generate a .lib file (the fact that this is necessary is not described nearly well enough in the documentation).

Hi I am also new to D and trying to do similar things - i.e. call a shared library written in C from D, but also create a shared library in D.

For the latter - on Windows 10 b64-bit - I am using following options for example:

-shared -L/LIBPATH:c:\\lib  -L//IMPLIB:mylib.lib

In my case I would like stuff from my D code to be exported. I found that I need to do following if I want to export a C API.

extern (C) export void myfunc();

I did not find examples of how to export D classes / functions - and right now I am getting link errors when trying to export D code.


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