On Sunday, 17 January 2016 at 10:43:55 UTC, Sean Campbell wrote:
On Sunday, 17 January 2016 at 10:34:19 UTC, locco wrote:
Hi :)
I found this example:
import std.file: write;
import std.string: representation;
void main()
   char[] data = "Test data.\n".dup;
   // Create an ArchiveMember for the test file.
   ArchiveMember am = new ArchiveMember();
   am.name = "test.txt";
   // Create an archive and add the member.
   ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive();
   // Build the archive
   void[] compressed_data = zip.build();
   // Write to a file
   write("test.zip", compressed_data);
But i cound't find example code for binary file.
How can i make ArciveMember for binary file?

std.zip dosen't discriminate against text and binary files files.
p.s. remember to import std.zip

import std.stdio;
import std.file:write,getSize;
import std.string: representation;
import std.zip: ArchiveMember, ZipArchive;

void main() {
    auto stream = File("example.jpg", "r+");

    auto inbytes = new ubyte[ cast(uint)getSize("example.jpg") ];

    auto zip = new ZipArchive();
    ArchiveMember ae = new ArchiveMember();
    ae.name = "example_.jpg";
    ae.expandedData( inbytes );

    void[] compressed_data = zip.build();
    write("test.zip", compressed_data);

I made this, work fine. But i guess it wasn't nice solution. Right?

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