On Saturday, 30 January 2016 at 16:06:37 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
On Sat, 30 Jan 2016 14:41:18 +0000, Dsby wrote:

Use the D dylib in my C++ program,when the D's GC(in the dylib runtime) run. will not my program stop?

The GC will stop every thread it knows about. If you have a C++ thread that you want to run while the GC is running, you can get that by not telling the D runtime about it. This will limit your ability to interact with D from that thread somewhat -- and it will interfere more with your ability to *safely* interact with D even more.

If you never allocate GC memory, of course, the GC will never run.

Thanks, if I use the D dylib,I should run " rt_init(); " in every thread which i used the D dylib?

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