On Sunday, 31 January 2016 at 19:34:43 UTC, maik klein wrote:
I recently asked a question about ownership semantics in D https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35115702/how-do-i-express-ownership-semantics-in-d

But a few minutes ago I found an answer on SO that could potentially explain a lot.


Sadly it has some pseudo code in it so I implemented it with std.experimental.allocator

struct UniquePtr(T) {
    import std.experimental.allocator;
    private T* ptr = null;

@disable this(this); // This disables both copy construction and opAssign

    this(Args...)(auto ref Args args){
        ptr = theAllocator.make!T(args);

    ~this() {

    inout(T)* get() inout {
        return ptr;

    // Move operations
    this(UniquePtr!T that) {
        this.ptr = that.ptr;
        that.ptr = null;

ref UniquePtr!T opAssign(UniquePtr!T that) { // Notice no "ref" on "that"
        import std.algorithm.mutation;
swap(this.ptr, that.ptr); // We change it anyways, because it's a temporary
        return this;

Is this code correct? One problem that I have is

UniquePtr!int[int] map;

will result in a memory exception and I have no idea why.

Interesting. It is something in the dispose, because I changed the destructor to:

        writeln("Disposing ", ptr, " for this ", &this);
        writeln("Disposed ", ptr, " for this ", &this);

And I only get the disposing line, not the disposed.

I tried taking my ResourceHandle struct that I pasted to you in the other thread earlier and doing the same operation with it (I had to change a const to inout and remove an extraneous 'in' marker to make it compile):

alias RH = ResourceHandle!(int*, (int* ptr) {theAllocator.dispose(ptr);});
RH[int] otherMap;
otherMap[3] = RH(theAllocator.make!int(5));

and I get the same invalid memory operation. With either class, I avoid the error if I use a stack member or a static array, but with the associative array or just a dynamic array I get the problem.

To see it in a dynamic array:
auto map = new UniquePtr!int[1];
map[0] = UniquePtr!int(5);

Not sure what it is...still playing with it.

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