On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 23:45:15 UTC, Enjoys Math wrote:
On Wednesday, 3 February 2016 at 23:43:45 UTC, Enjoys Math wrote:
I am making a method called:

@property string debugIDString() {
in {
  assert(super.toHash() == this.toHash());
} body {


body { // is currently:
  return to!string(this.toHash());

and is returning a base10 string, so how would I return a hex string so I can compare numbers displayed to the debugger addresses in visual D?

One solution:  create "string_tools.d":

module string_tools;
import std.conv: to;

string hexString(int x) {
        string hex = "0x";

        for(uint k=0; k < 8; k++) {
                int hexDig = (x >> (k << 2)) & 0x0000000F;
                if (hexDig < 10) {
                        hex ~= to!string(hexDig);
                else {
                        string hexDixStr;
                        switch (hexDig) {
                                case 10:        hexDigStr = "A"; break;
                                case 11:    hexDigStr = "B"; break;
                                case 12:    hexDigStr = "C"; break;
                                case 13:    hexDigStr = "D"; break;
                                case 14:    hexDigStr = "E"; break;
                                case 15:    hexDigStr = "F"; break;
                        hex ~= hexDigStr;

        return hex;

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