On Thursday, 11 February 2016 at 03:09:51 UTC, rcorre wrote:
GDC claims that byKeyValue() allocates a closure, but DMD is just fine with me calling it @nogc. I'm inclined to agree with GDC here, unless DMD is doing some magic so that actually doesn't allocate a closure.

I cannot reproduce your results. Your example won't compile for me with DMD HEAD:

source/app.d(16,14): Error: function app.Enumap!(E, int).Enumap.byKeyValue is @nogc yet allocates closures with the GC source/app.d(17,37): app.Enumap!(E, int).Enumap.byKeyValue.__lambda1 closes over variable this at source/app.d(16,14) source/app.d(26,26): Error: template instance app.Enumap!(E, int) error instantiating

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