On 12.02.2016 22:08, WhatMeWorry wrote:
question #1: The static array must contain the fat pointers to str
variables. But where is the string data itself actually held: the stack?
the heap? somewhere else? (does it vary depending on location or scope)

Depends on how the string was created. You can create dynamic arrays over any memory. (Remember: string is an alias of immutable(char)[], i.e. a dynamic array.)

I'm not sure where strings from literals are located. Could be some static data section in the executable, or some such. That's beyond me.

question #2: If the above struct was to contain the same struct and the
second one contains a third, how would the lower structs be allocated?
Is it "turtles all the way down?

Struct data is put right where the variable is. Unlike classes and arrays, structs are not references to some other location.

When a struct has a struct member, then the data of the member is put right next to the parent's data. The size of the member is added to the parent's size.

One consequence of this is that you can't have trees with just structs: `struct Node {Node left; Node right;}` - not gonna fly.

question #2: Of what use is the nulls in the array elements? When I took
out the member function: void info(), the nulls went away.

My guess is that you declared the struct in a function (e.g. main), and the null is the context pointer. Put the struct declaration at module scope, or make it `static`, and the null thing should go away.

A context pointer is needed when the struct references data from the surrounding function scope. You don't do that here, but the compiler is apparently not smart enough to figure that out.

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