On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 at 11:30:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Feel free to create a pull request to add next. I don't know if it would be accepted or not. I suspect that it mainly comes down to whether such a simple function would be deemed worth adding. On some level, it is a usability improvement, but in theory, we'd prefer to be adding functions to Phobos which add real value rather than simple wrappers that do basic stuff that anyone can easily do. So, it may be accepted as a usability improvement, or it may be rejected on the grounds that it's too simple to be worth it. You won't know if you don't try though.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks a lot to you all for your input! It helped me to understand D more :) My use case is really about having `pop{Front,Back}` which returns the popped element. I do understand that the current API design is a lot more flexible and better [1] and there's no objection at all from my side. However on the other side we learn the stack syntax with return at university (it's even on wikipedia [2]) and thus I am a friend of such a syntax:

auto myFile = ["<crazy header>","1","2"];
// cut off the header
// do sth with the body
myFile.map!(to!int).map!"a + 1".map!(to!string).joiner(",").writeln;

Anyways I will try my best to submit a PR and we can continue to discuss pros/cons there - imho it's an excellent learning task :)

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12206242/store-results-of-stdstack-pop-method-into-a-variable
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_(abstract_data_type)

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