On Friday, 19 February 2016 at 15:00:51 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

This works.

But when I re-write foo to take that into account as in below, I get an error that I can't implicitly convert int function(int x) to int function(int x, int y).

I don't think I had looked at what you had done carefully enough. Basically, you just define a new function and take a function pointer of that. That might be a brute force solution.

I tried to use a cast (below) to modify the function pointer, but it is printing the second number instead of the first. I find this behavior strange...

int foo(int x)
        return x;

void main()
        import std.stdio : writeln;

        auto foo_ = cast(int function(int x, int y)) &foo;
        writeln(foo_(1, 200)); //prints 200

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