On Monday, 22 February 2016 at 13:35:10 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
Check this code:

Structs A and B do the same things, in different way.

Is there any difference/limitation between those?


The mixin variant generates a method. That means, you can reference members of the struct in the function.

Silly example:
mixin template Test(T)
    auto returnX() { return x; }
struct A
    int x;
    mixin Test!int;

With the alias variant you get an alias to a free function, not a method. So you couldn't reference x like above.

What's nicer about the alias version is that you see what symbol is being generated. It's obvious that `alias returnInit = returnInitImpl!int;` creates a symbol "returnInit". In the mixin variant, you have to read the template's source to see that.

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