On 22.02.2016 23:56, Andre wrote:
I was wondering how people in this D community think about the number of
issues with NEW status...

It could scare individuals/organizations to start with D, when they get
the impression that there are a large and growing number of issues that
are open (for years). I know this is not a fair interpretation of what's
going on, but it's a conclusion one could make.

I guess my reopening of issue 4763 [1] got you here. Old issues may be embarrassing, but I believe closing them without proper resolution, just because they're old, is very bad practice.

Regarding old enhancement request that never got anywhere, it's certainly tempting to just throw them away, but I think it's a bad move when a single member of the community just closes issues that have been filed by someone else. That would make for bad weather in the community.

Instead, I suggest to engage in discussion with the proponent(s) of the request. Or implement the request and try to get it merged.

- Is there a preferred way to clean things up?

Fix stuff :P

A resolution status?

Not sure what kind of status you're looking for. There's WONTFIX, but you shouldn't apply it just because an issue is old. As far as I know, we don't use LATER and REMIND.

A maximum time?


- Or perhaps the bugtracker (https://dlang.org/bugstats.php) needs to be
adjusted for irrelevant things..

What do you mean by "irrelevant"? If you think an issue is irrelevant, please argue your point in the comments section of the issue.

Maybe all enhancement requests (that are not closely followed by an implementation) are "irrelevant"? I could understand that viewpoint, but that's not how we operate at the moment. If you want us to go in that direction, ask about it in the General group, and if there's consensus to do away with (long-lived) enhancement requests, mass-close them.

By the way, I don't like the bugstats.php page all that much. Some time ago I've played around with charts and put this together:


I think it's more interesting than the one on bugstats.php. But it doesn't go back as far - it only started counting when I created it. Then I gave up.

- Or is it a non-issue and should we just ignore the tail of the list?

Not ignore it, work towards reducing it by actually resolving stuff.

[1] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4763
  • Issues Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Issues Mathias Lang via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Issues Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Issues ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-learn
    • Re: Issues Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d-learn

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