On Friday, 26 February 2016 at 08:03:19 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2016-02-25 22:38, Joel wrote:

.dub is grayed out on Finder, and isn't writable.

I'm suspecting that you don't own that directory. You can see the owner by running this:

ls -l -a ~/ | grep dub

The third column is the owner. You change the owner like this from the Terminal:

sudo chown -R joelcnz ~/.dub

Assuming "joelcnz" is your user account name.

If you do are the owner then it looks like the directory isn't writable. You can check that with the same "ls" command. The permissions are in the first column. It should look like this:


Meaning writable, readable and executable by the owner. Readable and executable by the group, readable and executable by everyone else. To make it have those exact permissions, run the following:

chmod 755 ~/.dub

Things just silently not work.

Joels-MacBook-Pro:packages joelcnz$ ls -l -a ~/ | grep dub
drwxr-xr-x    4 joelcnz  staff     136 26 Sep 12:47 .dub
Joels-MacBook-Pro:packages joelcnz$

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